Well I'm starting a new project and hopefully blogging about it will keep me motivated and on track. I read a recent post on the Repique website by Bob Jones in which he talks about picking a wargame period. He uses several criteria and the one that struck me was making sure you have an interest in the period. Many of you who know me know I fly from period to period, collecting miniatures and rules. I paint a little bit and the enthusiasm wanes and I'm off to do something else. I think I move about so much because I don't have a real interest in the period I'm collecting and painting for. And there have been many. For example, the Nine Years War, English Civil War, Seven Years War. Miniatures bought for all periods in addition to rules, reference material and histories. No real interest in the periods just some nice pictures in magazines and the internet.
After a lot of thinking I have narrowed down my interests to two periods. World War Two and the Napoleonic Wars. They are the only two periods that I continually keep coming back to.
This brings me to the point of the post. The new project I will be embarking on will be Operation Husky, the Invasion of Sicily, more specifically the Canadian involvement in the invasion.
Earlier this evening I sat down to plan the purchase of my Canadian troops. Nothing fancy, just a platoon. I've ordered two boxes of British from Warlord Games.
Two boxes of their plastic infantry will be more than enough to complete the platoon with lots of variation in poses.
I will be back to post on my progress and upload some pictures of the project along the way, while I wait for the Canadian troops to arrive I'll be starting on the Germans that I have already assembled and primed.
Chain of Command is due for release in late August and I expect the rules to hit my doorstep in September. So Saturday September 14th is the date for the completion of the project. I want to be able to get my hands on the rules, read through them and get down to playing immediately.
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