Monday, 10 January 2011

I've settled on a Uniform Pattern

Crusader USA Miniatures

Don't feel bad if you mistake the uniform pattern I've chosen for my Imagi-Nation with the uniforms of Prussian Musketeers of the Mid-Eighteenth Century. Both are very similar in cut. Some might say exact. What will be different is the colour of both the coat and breeches. The facings and turnbacks may have similar colours but that would be coincidence at best! The image is from the Crusader range of Prussian Musketeers. Unfortunately, the Prussians aren't available in their boxed sets so I'll have to pick them up on a per pack basis. It's not as bad as it sounds because I'll be taking advantage of the Old Glory Miniatures Army membership. It's a great offer if you plan to purchase Old Glory or Crusader USA miniatures.

A Map of the World

I've been fooling around with Campaign Cartographer 3. What I'm finding is that you just can't fool around! You have to get in there and learn it. There's a great mapping tool in there but there is a steep learning curve. I'm willing to give it a good shot. I've become quite taken with the idea of an Imagi-Nation and I think it's genesis will take up most of my painting and hobby time. That's why I'm going to tough it out. Believe me creating a kingdom is not easy!

Monday, 3 January 2011

The Captain-General Himself with Aide de Camp

Here is the Christmas gift. The Great Captain and his Aide de Camp. Both Miniatures are from Crusader and they look great. I plan to start on them this week. I'll probably prime them tonight. Hopefully by the end of the week they will be finished.

My Turn

So it's taken my Friend Dave to get me started posting to my woefully neglected Blog. It's been two years from the last time I posted.
Dave planted the idea of starting an Imagi-nation. Naturally I thought this was a wonderful idea and agreed to join. Of course to be sure I'd at least consider the idea Dave gave me two commander miniatures to kick things off as a Christmas gift.

It's become a very popular idea among our circle of wargamers with lots of discussion about rules and the composition of our fictious regiments.

Dave and I have settled on large Battalions in the old school tradition of Grant and Young.
As for rules we have decided to start with Sharpe Practice ( ) a decidedly non-old school rules offering. The rules contain just the correct amount of crunch and include rules for developing Commander Figures with skills and Personality traits. Ideas that both Dave and I enjoy.

I'm looking forward to developing my fictions Imagi-nation and I hope to be sharing my progress with you.